# Price Management

The application provides for flexible currency and price management enabling catalog administrators to create single services with multiple prices targeted to specified user groups.

A single service may appear in different currencies and amounts to meet the needs of the business and the catalog user. For example, a computer may be priced in US dollars for US continental customers and at a different price in US dollars for US out-lying regions. Similarly, the same service may be priced in Euros for customers in France vs. another price in Euros for customers in Germany. Price rules may be configured based on geographic region, customer contract pricing, or any other number of distinguishing criteria. Price, the amount shown to the customer, and cost, the amount charged to the business, are supported. Both cost and price are optional and may be used individually or together as warranted. Both cost and price are stored internally, but only price may be shown to an end user.

# Currency

PMG supports multiple currencies for pricing or costing services. Viewing and managing currencies is accessed from ADMINISTRATION, System Management, Currency.

Each currency to be supported will have the following properties:

Name: The text label for the provided currency; for example: US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, and Japanese Yen.

Code: The code should be a valid ISO 4217 currency code; for example: USD, EUR, GBP, and JPY.

Symbol: The common symbol used for the currency, generally expressed as one or more characters, that displays with the currency amount shown for the respective currency. For example, $, €, £, ¥.

Disabled: Determines whether the currency may be used for active services. If a currency is deactivated, the currency will simply not be available for future orders. Active or completed orders which used the currency will continue as normal.

# Price Rules

Price rules determine how users will be matched to cost and price for a service. Matching is done through Groups.

When a user is viewing a service, the Portal will determine which price rule applies to the end user. If the user belongs to any groups defined for a pricing rule, and that pricing rule is configured for a service, then the user will see the price defined for the matching rule for the service. If no pricing rule is found which matches the end user, then the user will be shown the default price for the service. If multiple price rules are found for which the user belongs, then the available prices will be shown as an option to the end user.

Price Rules determine how users will be matched to the cost and price of a Service by defining the rules used for matching groups to configured pricing rules. Pricing rules are managed on the Price Rules screen, which is accessible via the rollover drop-down menu navigation path ADMINISTRATION, System Management, Price Rules.

New Price Rules can be created and saved as needed. Price Rules have the following properties.

Name: This is the display name to distinguish the pricing rule. For example, “US Continental” and “US Outer Lying Regions”. Similarly, “France” and “Germany” can both be in Euros with different pricing.

Currency: One of the currencies which has been defined for use.

Format: The localized format to display the currency. The list of formats is controlled by the “Languages” which have been enabled. The more specific “Locale” for the enabled languages controls the currency display format. For example, en-US will display USD as $4.85. fr-FR will display EUR as €4,85

Groups: Various groups which are matched for the respective pricing rule.

The order on the page determines the priority in which pricing rules will be presented to an end user. For example, if a user matches both US Continental and France Euro, where US Continental is above France Euro, then the user will see the price by default for the respective US Continental price.